Why International Schools Often Hold Field Trips
Let's Take a Peek at 4 Reasons Why International Schools In Jakarta Often Hold Field Trips
Field trips are one of the activities that children can accept while in school, especially in international schools. This activity has become part of the routine agenda held by the school every month or every few months. So what makes an international school Jakarta hold a field trip? Let's take a look at the goal!
Why are fieldtrips important for students?
1. Introducing New Things
There are many methods that teachers can use to introduce new things to children. One of the most fun ways is to hold a field trip. They can see directly the information that the teacher wants to convey. That way, the information will stick in the minds of children because they have seen it with their own eyes.
The sensation of knowing new things in a tent class has a different level. The sensation of learning in class does not feel special and will even be very difficult, especially for materials that need to be seen and felt directly. In order to get a quality field trip, and need to choose the best international school for your little one.
2. Increase Children's Learning Interest
Previously, it was mentioned that the sensation of learning outdoors would be much different from being indoors. That reason also causes differences in children's interest in digging for information. If they are indoors, they tend to be quiet and sleepy, while outdoors they are not.
International school students in Jakarta will feel happy and willing to dig up information voluntarily. Here the teacher's role is in directing and being a facilitator for questions given by students. The school can also present real resource persons, so that students can interact and get a more concrete explanation.
3. Encourage Adaptability
Field trips include activities that encourage students to get out of their comfort zone. If they usually study sitting and in a comfortable room, this time they are challenged to accept explanations outside of school. They must be able to position themselves well while filtering the information provided by the teacher and resource persons.
4. Improve Social Skills
Every parent wants their child to be social and easy to get along with other people. One technique that can be used to achieve this is to get the child used to meeting and communicating with new people. These points can be obtained when the school is holding a field trip to a place.
Every international school in Jakarta is required to be able to interact with a team of instructors and resource persons that they have never met before. If it has to be honed, then the child will become a confident person and can communicate with others using good and polite language.
So where are the schools that provide field trips as a learning method? One of them is Global Sevilla. There are many activities outside the classroom that children can participate in. The facilities there are also complete so that the academic and non-academic abilities of children can be supported to the maximum.